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Fall 2023 

This semester I continued to be a coxswain for the Second Varsity boat and volunteered for the Festival of Fire and Ice at the Ithaca Children's Garden.

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Ithaca College Men's Crew

I competed in our spring racing season as the 2V coxswain and so far my boat has done really well. My boat won races against competitors in the Liberty League (RIT, Hamilton, St. Lawrence) and won our New York State championship as well. I've furthered my leadership in working with younger peers as I've had five freshman in my boat (2 novices and 3 experienced freshman). I've worked to lead these rowers on and off the water in giving them all the information they need for our races. Spring racing is a really stressful time and I've worked to motivate and encourage my teammates in addition to being available as a resource and friend if anyone was struggling with time management. As an upperclassman who has gone through the spring-time racing experience two times before, I try to help others who may be needing extra support. 


Leadership Academy

This semester we learned about leading through building trust and maintaining momentum in our leadership academy sessions. During the classes we talk with athletes on other sports teams and share experiences and insights. I learned about the importance of uplifting our teammates and peers, how to build positive confidence, and maintain focus and poise when things are going well and also when they aren't. I think these sessions are really important and I enjoy learning about how to better manage and lead in my rowing team. I dedicate a lot of time of energy into this sport (and my teammates do as well!) and making it the most postive and uplifting place it can be helps me feel like the time and energy spent on this activity is worth it.

WICB Newscaster and DJ

I wrote and delivered the the noon noon-hour newscast on WICB and VIC radio every Wednesday this semester. I also continued to DJ this semester and had a 2-4pm weekly shift. It was nerve wracking to move from a late--night shift to one where more people are listening, but I was successful in doing my job, working with the newscasters and sportscasters, and connecting with listeners. I also reported two stories for WICB's Ithaca Now podcast and managed my time to report and create these segments. I covered a local history digitization effort and a protest in the county to Reclaim Earth Day. I am also stepping up my leadership in WICB next semester as I will be the director of underwriting for the entire station. I am really excited to take on this challenge and be a part of maintaining sponsorships for the station as part of the executive staff.


Ithaca Children's Garden Festival of Fire and Ice Volunteer

During the day, I helped set up the anarchy garden area for kids to be able to find treasures, make potions, and play. I worked with coordinators of the event to help where needed and make sure all the sections of the festival were set up before the children arrived. Then during the event, I led the fence ribbon weaving activity and helped kids choose and cut fabric, weave, and create art on the fence. I furthered my leadership in taking charge of the activity and running it with the other volunteers. I managed the other volunteers (a group of 4 of us) to delegate tasks and make sure kids were being helped efficiently and the activity ran smoothly when it was busy. I really enjoyed working with the kids to create art and see them be creative in the art process.  

Leading Self: You Can Help a Friend

This SLI session trained me in the in the "You Can Help a Friend" JED Mental Health training curriculum. This training gave me valuable information about mental health and suicide and I learned about what signs of distress I might see in others on campus. Through the interactive session, I learned skills to help support my peers who may be struggling. I learned more about the importance of engaging in conversations with my peers and about resources students have on and off campus about mental health concerns.

Leading Others: Let's Paws for a Moment: The Use of Animals for Interventions and Therapies

This SLI was led by Ben Hogben, Access Services Manager, and Abby Juda, Natural Sciences Librarian, and covered how animals are used to reduce stress and bring positive emotions to people. I learned about the power of animals to lessen stress in situations like college and palliative care. The presenters also talked about how animals have been used in de-stress events at Ithaca College and detailed some of the programs that are run on campus. It was really valuable to learn about how these events work with local community groups and what planning (and paperwork and risk management work) is involved in bringing animals like llamas and dogs to campus for de-stress events.

Leading Self: The 1950 Census Workshop 

This workshop taught me valuable researching skills that I can use for classes I'm taking at IC and in my journalism. The presenters taught us about the 1950 Census and how to navigate it to include looking at Enumeration District maps. This sessions tied in really well to a story I did for the radio about the Tompkins History Center's HistoryForge project that uses Census. I was also able to find a record of my grandmother traveling with her family overseas when she was 11 years old, which was really cool. My grandmother told us the story of riding the Queen Mary with her parents all the time and I was floored to actually find the record of her on the Queen Mary. My grandmother passed away right before Christmas and seeing her name on the passenger card was an unexpected surprise and brought a happy memory to my mind. 



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