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Fall 2022 

This semester I became a coxswain for the men's rowing team, reported on stories from the Ithaca area and attended three SLIs.

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Ithaca College Men's Crew

Three weeks into the fall rowing season, my coach told me that the men's team could use another coxswain and thought I could be a good fit so I made the switch! It was a super quick transition and I had to learn how to cox the boat on the fly, but I am happy with the decision. I got to cox two races this fall season! I had to catch up to the other two coxswains and learn how to steer the boat which was challenging at first, but I have since gotten the hang of it. I used my knowledge from listening to coxswains tell the boats I have rowed in what to do to figure out how to motivate the men in the boat to work hard as well as work on technique. I am in charge of keeping the boat safe on and off the water each practice and when we travel I am responsible for making sure all the pieces of the boat make it to the race. I have a lot more responsibility this semester and have to make sure I keep the members of the team on track and focused. Everyone was super kind and welcoming me on the men's team and I am finding my voice on the team more each day.


Leadership Academy

This semester we learned about leading with confidence and composure in the two sophomore Leadership classes led by Greg Shelley. Leadership Academy is for student athletes at the college and we learn that leadership is influence and learn how to better lead across, up and down on our sports teams. We learned how to be more confident on our teams without being cocky or arrogant and learned how to stay cool under pressure better and have the composure to step up and lead in stressful and high stakes situations.

WICB Newscasts and Ithaca Now Podcast

I wrote and delivered the noon-hour newscast of WICB and VIC radio every Tuesday and Thursday this semester. I am getting more confident in my speaking and am working to fine tune the delivery of my work. I worked on two main stories the semester with the podcast: one about an alumni working on a national musical tour and a two part series on Harmful Algal Blooms in Cayuga Lake. The two-part series was the first series I had ever completed which was a good experience to work through. I also challenged myself to use learn how to use some of the recording equipment in the Park School to make my finished products sound more professional. I loved connecting with the people I talked to and hearing and sharing their stories. 


The Ithacan News Staff Reporter

I wrote two articles for the Ithacan this semester and while I took a step back from picking up tons of articles, I continued to attend meeting and be an active participant of the News Section. My stories were about campus construction and a data breach involving loan servicing. For both stories I talked with people working in the administrative side of the college like the finance department, student financial services and IT which was nerve-wracking but ended up going well. 

Cardboard Boat Race Volunteer

I volunteered with roughly ten other crew team members spending the day helping people move their cardboard boat for the race from their car to the area of Cayuga Lake where the race was taking place. I was also a volunteer that helped stabilize the boat as participants got in at the start line and helped push them to get the race started. I felt that the event was important as it was a fundraiser for the Family and Children's Service of Ithaca. It was also really cool to do it as a part of the crew team and show that our sports team and Ithaca College are active members of the community and willing to help with events like this. Even though the day was rainy, I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed connecting with members in the community. 

Leading Self: Managing Stress

This SLI focused on defining good and bad stress and the group talked about ways to manage and reduce bad stress in our lives. I learned about how stress affects people differently and the SLI helped me determine why I feel stress, what it feels and looks like for me, and how to better manage the stress I feel. I have been struggling some this semester with anxiety and stress and this session really helped me find coping strategies. I also liked that by talking to other people in this SLI that I was definitely not alone in feeling stress which made me see how many people I have to turn to for help if or when I need it. 

Leading Others: Emergency Preparedness

This SLI taught us what to look for to try and see a potential emergency before it happens as well as how to prepare and act during an emergency when it happens. I learned how to better pack/create a bag that would have things I might need in the event of an emergency like a school shooting or other threat. It was cary to learn about crises like this happening, but shootings and violent events happen more and more everyday in everyday spaces. I feel it was really important for me to attend this SLI and I learned about who to contact in the event of an emergency, what to look out for while on campus and in public in terms of determining if a threat might exist. and what to have in case of a lockdown. This SLI was very helpful to being in so I can be prepared in the event of an emergency.

Leading Self: Sleep Hygiene

This SLI was about sleep health and how to make a more consisten sleep schedule. The SLI talked about the importance of sleep and how not sleeping enough affects many aspects of our lives. In the SLI, I took a deeper look at my sleep schedule and learned how to make it better to help make sure I am as rested as possible each day and ready to take on challenges and learn to the best of my ability in life and in college. I learned that having a more consistent schedule is good and learned about tools/strategies to make sure thatI I can try to fall asleep quicker and have better sleep each day. 



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